Wednesday, January 18, 2012

30 Day Shred- Day 8

Day 8, wow! That went by really fast. I notice a difference when I look in the mirror but not on the scale. Hopefully it will come in time. :) I took before pictures and cant wait to compare them with the after, I think at that point I will be able to get an accurate idea of what I accomplished on the 30 Day Shred.

I've been trying to exercise in the morning these past few days. I read that cardio in the morning is more effective than in the afternoon. I dont know how much truth that holds but it made sense so I am rolling with it for as long as I can. Since its only a 20 minute workout its not as hard to get up early to do it. I did drop to level one this morning, I just wasnt feeling it so that was my compromise with myself instead of not doing it at all.

Well its off to work! :P

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