Saturday, November 12, 2011

KT Tape and Booty shorts!

I'm on my way home from Kona. (my husband is driving, its about a 2 hour drive) It was a productive trip. I found the shorts I wanted to get as well as this KT Tape. I have never tried it before but I searched reviews and it looks like it got some pretty good ones. The full name is kinesiology therapeutic tape. It claims to reduce muscle pain from inflammation and strains. It's supposed to give immediate relief for fast recovery. I was researching the symptoms I'm having with my knee and have diagnosed myself with runners knee. :) haha i love diagnosing myself. We will see what the doctor says on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I tell people that I'm a certified web-surfing MD. I always self-diagnose. :)
