So it was brought to my attention today that I like to pick out the negative in things. I honestly dont see what the big deal is, I dont think Im that bad but just to humor them this post will be completely, 100%, abso-toot-ly positive! This is going to be great! Yay! :P

My diet was awesome today. I ate nothing but junk food and enjoyed every minute of it. My husband is off island for the next few days which means Im flying solo when it comes to meals. I get to make all the decisions and only think about myself for a little while. Its so selfish and I love it. For breakfast I had Oh's cereal which is this yummy, sweet, calorie ridden cereal. Mmm! For lunch I had Korean food, my car is going to stink (in a good way) for days since I was a hermit (I love being a hermit) and ate lunch in there, good thing I like the smell of pickled veggies! (How am I doing so far? Is it sickeningly positive?) Dinner: I had a typical local style plate which consists rice, mac salad and meat of choice was Meat Jun. Meat Jun is so yummy. Its this really thin meat that they cook in egg. So its like egg covered meat that you dip in a vinegar sauce. Mmmmmm I love it! Its nice to take a break from being so strict with what I eat, especially after a night like last think I lack positivity you should have seen me then. It was a horrible night, I binged today and feel better. :) It will be back to the grind tomorrow.
Exercise didnt make it to my to-do list today. I chose to ice my knee instead. I like to ice it until its so cold I cant feel a thing. Its a really weird feeling, like my knee is dead. :)
So there you have it, my supercalifragalisticexpialadocious of a day in a nut shell. Wwweeee! :)
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