Sunday, November 13, 2011

KT Tape Voo-Doo

After my shower last night I applied the KT Tape to my knee.  I didnt follow the instructions about swapping the area with alcohol, which I should have because it was starting to peel when I woke up.  In any case I woke up and my knee has no pain. I do not want to take this stuff off, its like witchcraft or something. :) This morning I pulled the tape off, wiped my knee down with alcohol and reapplied two new pieces. This is the first day all week that I have felt good enough to workout. I know I should take it easy, but I cant. I really, really, really want to work out.  A lot of stuff has been going on in my life that has been really hard to deal with, not being able to workout my frustrations has made it even harder. Its amazing how one minute you can be in a wonderland and then before you know it, your wonderland has been bombed. Lets not turn this into a pity party, so back to the tape. According to the package you can use it for a variety of things:

SI Joint Pain
Runner's Knee
Shin Splints
Ankle Sprain
Achilles Tendon Pain
Tennis Elbow
Planter Fasciitis
Lower Back Pain
Middle Neck Pain
Neck & Shoulder Pain

The package came with a pictorial guide on how to properly place the strips, I would say its safe to assume that if you don't properly attach them then of course they may not give you the results you want and it may not work for everyone. I know I have only been wearing it for 12 hours or so but I can say as of right now, pain is gone. It might not stay gone, it might be all in my head but whatever it is, I like it. 

1 comment:

  1. oooohhhhhhh - I'll have to try that tape! I have self-diagnosed planter fasciitis!
