Sunday, September 25, 2011

What the hell?!

Do you ever stop and think, what the hell happened?! It feels like in a blink of an eye I sky rocketed from 119 lbs. to 139 lbs. This is nothing new to me, I shouldn't be surprised. Before I got down to 119 lbs I was 156 lbs. I remember thinking to myself, never again, I am going to maintain this 119 and never, EVER go back to where I was.  Six months and 20 lbs later I see myself falling into the same disgusting habits. So here I go, one more time. I am going to make this my last.

I went to the doctor a month ago to discuss my weight gain. We did blood tests and without hesitation she put me on this drug called Diethylprop 75 mg.  Let me back it up a bit, I am 26 years old, blood tests were perfect, 5'1 and 139 lbs. Sure, I am overweight but I am not obese. But she is the doctor, doctor knows best right? Wrong. I tried them for 3 weeks. I gave them a good effort. I would definitely lose weight if I kept taking this prescription. My appetite was no where to be found. I could go all day without eating, not even thinking about it, happy and full of energy! I was drinking tons of water as a side effect, and whats wrong with water? I'll tell you, there no nutrition in water!!!! How could this be healthy? What was this teaching me?? NOTHING. I went to my follow up a few days ago and told her that I wanted a lifestyle change not a quick fix.  I want to change my habits, learn to love exercise, find something I am passionate about, not just suppress my natural feelings and starve myself. Her answer, a lower dose of the RX. I kindly declined and I plan to find a new doctor. Why is a doctor's answer always a prescription?!! Not once was I asked to make a food journal or up the exercise, nothing. I was advised to take this pill, perhaps have a piece of toast for breakfast, a small cup of soup for lunch and maybe a shake or something small for dinner..... Where is the fruits?! Vegetables?! Lean protein?!  Amazing. Disgustingly amazing.

So I am making my own plan.  I don't want a pill to control my feelings, tell me when I am hungry, force me to be happy......strange thought, to be able to force someone to be happy. It was like a legal form of crack. Not doing it, nope, not me.  Today is the day that I take control.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! What a horrible thing for a doctor to do, but I guess they see this all the time and they probably get more people who want the quick fix then someone who actually wants to change their lives for the better. I'm glad that you're doing it the right way and I'm excited to follow you along on your journey! :)
