Wednesday, November 2, 2011

>4 hours of sleep

And I feel great...?! What the? Thats not how its supposed to work. I was thinking as I was going to sleep past midnight, that there was no way in hell my body was going to want to wake up at 4:00am....but right at 4:00, before my alarm clock even buzzed, my eyes popped open. So weird! We will see how the rest of the day goes.

This morning was Shoulders and Arms.... I need a 10 lbs. weight set. I have 8 and 15....I want something in between. This morning was the first time I decided to do chair dips with my legs extended. It never dawned on me that it would intensify the workout like it did or else I would have done it sooner. Im excited to feel it tomorrow....haha who wants to feel sore?!

Anyways its 5:25am and time for me to get ready for work. My diet plan is still scheduled to go off without a hitch. Im going to have my banana now and oatmeal at 6:10am after my shower/get ready routine.

Check out this advertisement I found, it said it was from the 1930's. Oh how things have changed.

Happy Hump Day people! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I need more weights too - I only have 5 lbs. :(
    When I was working out with a trainer I would do tricep dips with my feet on a bench and a 10lb weight on my lap. Right now I can do them with legs extended. I've got a long way to go. :)
    You probably woke up at 4am raring to go because you missed it yesterday. :D
