Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Yeah I eat with kid utensils, and what? :) lol, Last night I made this curry dish that is actually supposed to be put into some kind of pastry puff, similar to an empanada? Im not sure what to compare it to.  I didnt want all that dough with my dinner so my husband had it with rice, I just ate it plain. It was super easy and really yummy.  Here's the recipe if you want to try it:

Chicken - (I used a roasted chicken because I was too lazy after work to cook one haha, but you could just use frozen chicken breast)
1 onion- chopped
2 large potato - diced
2 tsp. curry powder (or more if you want)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4-1/8 tsp pepper
2 tbs. sugar
3 tbs. oyster sauce
1 tbs. shoyu
4 cloves chopped garlic

Soften onion in a little bit of oil, add garlic and fry til fragrant.  Add chicken and brown. Add oyster sauce, potato, spices and cook until soft. You can cover it for a bit to get the potatoes soft. Voila! Dinner is served!

Yesterday I did CardioX. As much as I hate yoga the small segment in this workout felt sooo good on my calves. They are pretty tight from the running I have been doing so I welcomed yoga....just this once. :)

As for my food journal yesterday it went  like this:

Breakfast: Go Girl and Nature Valley Granola

Lunch: Ahi and green beans (left overs from the night before)

Dinner: Curry

Snack- Almonds

I was actually pretty hungry yesterday which hasnt been the norm, so of course I didnt have any snacks packed because I usually dont need them. Thankfully I had those almonds. I did walk to the 7-11 near my work during lunch because I was craving something sweet, I could have snatched a bag of m&m's and been one happy camper but I decided to go with a calorie/sugar free juice thing...it tasted like lychee. It satisfied my craving and I didnt snarf up any additional calories. Phew! ;)

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